Get Your Personalised Rudraksha!

Step 1. Study the vedic chart

There are many ways in which a rudraksha can be recommended.

For example those desiring lot of wealth can keep a laxmi rudraksha in their mandir or sacred altar and worship the rudraksha daily. Or for those who desire good health can use a Surya rudraksha. But the main question is about the efficay of these methods where the rudraksha doesn't touch the human body. For rudraksha to make the most impact they must touch the physcial body and this is where tradition comes into picture.

At Paratva, we use a very specific method to recommend what we call Jyotish rudraksha based on the client's horoscope or jataka. These rudraksha are like unique energy patterns in the horoscope/jataka that is waiting to be unlocked or healed and it needs good knowledge of both Jyotisha and rudraksha. The devatas are the key here.

My process invovles the following steps. These are not exhaustive by any means but fairly represent what goes into a single rudraksha consult:

1. Get the birth details of the client - date, time and place of birth
2. Prepare the vedic chart - I specifically use the Surya chakra, Chandra chakra and Rasi chakra for this.
3. Understand the challenges the client is currently facing.
4. Check the nimmitas or the signs fron nature, when opening the client chart for the first time.
5. Study and correct the chart. Ask question to the client to confirm the chart is being read correctly (optional)
6. Check all the options available for the rudraksha and advise the best.
7. Provide the recommendation with reasoning, size to wear and further guidance.

The above process can take atleast a week to two weeks. 

Step 2. Invoice and payment

Based on client's preference and direction, many times I will go to my trusted vendors and first send a detailed invoice the client. This includes an item list and sample images with all payment details.

After securing the cost for buying the rudraksha I will place the order. And then I start the unique process of securing the rudraksha personally to getting it energized and then shipping it. The final bead will always be shown to the client before confirming with the vendor.

Two rudrakshas that look similar and are of similar mukhi may not give the correct result and this is often because of their maturity, weight and the source where they are purchased from. I have developed a rock solid process with my vendors where we ensure the best beads are sent to the client.

In my trade I hardly get an Indonesian bead as I don't find them to be as potent as Nepali beads (except japa malas). Even with Nepali beads I have long discussions with my vendors on the size (based on the results the client is expecting - spiritual/material), weight, and most importantly the shape.

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